


约翰?基恩(John Keane),悉尼大学(the University of Sydney)和柏林科学中心(WZB)政治学教授,毕业于英国剑桥大学国王学院。1989年,他在伦敦创办了世界上第一个民主研究中心;后又联合创办悉尼民主网络(Sydney Democracy Network)并出任总监,曾被《泰晤士报》(The Times)誉为“英国顶尖的政治思想家”,澳大利亚广播公司(ABC)描述其为“澳大利亚重大知识输出者之一”。






论西方最新的热点话题“后真相”(On Post-Truth: Reflections on Recent Western Debates)

2017年12月11日 周一19:00


This lecture explores the contours of the 'post-truth' public controversy in Western countries and its connection with the unfinished digital communications revolution now affecting everyday life and practically all institutions. Professor Keane pays special attention to the claim that ‘post-truth’ is a style of politics that results in the burying of ‘objective facts’ by an avalanche of ‘appeals to emotion and personal belief’ (OED). He probes the writings and speeches of the critics of ‘post-truth’, who warn of the dangers of political lying, media silence and populists’ talk of ‘fake news’. He shows how and why they call for a recovery of ‘truth’, 'facts' and 'objectivity' in public life. And he asks: how credible is the appeal by Western journalists, public commentators and others to recapture ‘truth’ in public life? In Western discourses what exactly is meant by truth, and why is it deemed important? Or is truth not as important as is often imagined? Does truth-telling have its limits? Might truth be fading from people's lives in Western countries and, from the point of view of democracy, might bidding ‘farewell to truth’ even be desirable, as Hannah Arendt and other scholars have proposed?




新民粹主义与西方民主的危机(The New Populism and the Crisis of Atlantic Democracies)

2017年12月12日 周二14:00


Populism is on the rise throughout the Atlantic region, and beyond. Why is this happening? In this lecture, Professor Keane probes the main explanations of why populist leaders and parties are proving so popular. He asks: Are there deep socio-economic and political forces driving the spread of their style of politics, and what, if anything, has populism to do with democracy? Is it its “essence”, as Ernesto Laclau and other scholars have maintained? Is the new populism therefore to be welcomed, harnessed and “mainstreamed” in support of more democracy against a corrupted 'political class'? Can populism rescue Atlantic region democracies from the corruption and decay of the ideals and institutions of democracy? Or is populism on balance politically dangerous, a recipe for damaging democracy by bringing to life political forces that feed demagogy, discrimination against minorities and institutional decay?




现代化进程中的民粹主义和民主政治(Populism and Democracy in the Process of Modernization)

2017年12月14日 周四14:00


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