


Alexander Justin Dukalskis   

School of Politics & Int Relations, University College Dublin


China, the UNGA, and the Changing World Order




"How China assumes its position of superpower is one of the most important questions regarding global order in the twenty-first century. While considerable and sustained attention has been paid to China’s growing economic and military might, work examining how China is attempting, if at all, to influence the ecosystem of global norms is in its earlier stages. In this article we examine China’s actions in an important venue for the development of global norms, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). Using a unique dataset that captures how other countries move into or out of alignment with China on UNGA resolutions that are repeated over time, we find statistical evidence that China used diplomatic and economic means in an attempt to subtly alter international norms. We further illustrate these findings by examining four states that made substantive moves toward China on resolutions concerning national sovereignty, democracy, international order, non-interference, and human rights."



2017年3月17日 星期五 10:00-11:30点        10:00 to 11:30 am Friday, March 17, 2017

bat365官网登录入口廖凯原楼134教室                    ROOM 134,School of Government

主持人:bat365官网登录入口 段德敏 副教授           Host by Associate Prof. DUAN Demin

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