

主讲人:Jean-Yves Heurtebise 教授

主讲人简介      Jean-Yves Heurtebise ,法国马赛大学教授,台湾辅仁大学研究员,“
欧洲和中国之间的自由主义(Liberalism between Europe and China)大型研究项目的
It is from the perspective of the hypothesis of a correlation be
tween economic development and social democratization that we will address th
e question of liberalism in China. The problem in itself is not new. The Fren
ch Enlightenment philosopher Voltaire is perhaps the first one to articulate
it clearly when he said in 1733: "Le commerce, qui a enrichi les citoyens en
Angleterre, a contribué à les rendre libres, et cette liberté a étendu le
commerce à son tour". But the fact that it focuses now on China is relative
ly new - and obviously understandable regarding the place of Chinese economy
in the world today as well as the specificity of its institutions comparing t
o South Korea, Japan and Taiwan. The aim of the lecture is not to try to addr
ess the problem whether the resistance to "democratization" (not simply in te
rms of electoral system but more largely in terms of free empowerment of civi
l society) in China constitutes a contradiction to the liberal paradigm. The
aim of this lecture is to address the pertinence of the question itself - and
to attempt to provide an overview and if possible a conceptual evaluation of
the possible answers that can be given to this problem.

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